Guard dog protecting property

It’s difficult to know how best to protect your home or business. You may wonder what the most effective and efficient security solution is with so many options on the market.

People have used guard dogs for protection since ancient times and continue to do so today simply because it works. Dogs provide backup to security guards, detect threats a human may miss, cover large areas with ease, and, essentially, achieve results humans or technology can’t.

The impact of security dogs is undeniable. In a study, former burglars named protection dogs the second biggest deterrent after CCTV. Read on to discover why dogs make for such an effective deterrent.


5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Used for Security

Guard dogs possess inherent qualities such as quick reactions, heightened senses, and protective instincts all of which make them excellent security assets. 


1. They Are Incredibly Loyal

It’s no secret that dogs are incredibly loyal animals – that’s why they make such wonderful family pets. But this loyal nature also means they can be easily trained to carry out security functions. 

A well-trained guard dog is entirely obedient and follows the commands of its owner or handler. Professional dog trainers are able to bring out a dog’s natural protective instincts and skills which can be utilised against threats.

As well as being a fine addition to the family, a personal protection dog will readily defend your home and its inhabitants from threats such as burglars and intruders. All in all, elite protection dogs are disciplined, reliable, and trustworthy, which are traits you can’t guarantee in all humans. Dogs are ready and willing to offer protection when you need it.


2. They Are Highly Skilled and Intelligent Animals

Guard dogs have inherent traits that software and technology can’t match. Thanks to their superior senses of smell and hearing, they’re able to detect threats a human or security system might miss. 

These skills allow them to alert their handlers or owners to potential threats before a dangerous situation even transpires. Well-trained protection dogs can even sense potentially aggressive body language. For this reason, security dogs make great partners to owners and guards, ensuring pre-emptive action is taken.

A dog’s advanced olfactory capabilities also mean they can sniff out drugs, explosives, and other dangerous items when trained to do so. Thus, you can prevent harmful and life-threatening incidents from occurring, allowing for high levels of protection at event venues, public spaces, and many more locations.


3. They Provide a Physical Threat to Potential Criminals

Security dogs look and sound intimidating. Simply having a guard dog present in a commercial or domestic location is enough to deter potential criminals. 

Guard dogs are trained to search for, track, and apprehend criminals effectively. Potential criminals know that they’re up against a formidable opponent with a sensory advantage as well as strong physical abilities and instincts. In most instances, a potential intruder won’t be willing to take the risk of encountering such an animal.

What’s more, most people are aware of a dog’s ability to sense sounds and movements humans may not be able to hear. Thus, potential criminals understand that they will be detected rapidly and a barking dog will alert a homeowner or passersby to a security issue.


4. They Have Extremely Fast Reactions

Protection dogs are fast and agile. They can cover large areas quickly and efficiently. This is valuable for protecting areas such as parks, forests, properties that cover lots of land, and similar large grounds.

A guard dog would be able to reach approaching or fleeing intruders at a distance. Few humans are able to outrun a canine.

Elite protection dogs are also able to navigate different terrains and obstacles with ease. For instance, a dog may be able to reach hidden areas that are too tight of a squeeze or too risky to venture into for their human counterparts.


5. They Provide a Cost-Effective Security Solution

What’s particularly useful about security dogs is they can fulfil a range of roles, making them an incredibly versatile security solution. Use a trained protection dog to patrol areas, guard locations, detect dangerous goods, for personal protection, and much more. Security dogs provide ample protection in domestic and commercial settings making them a solid investment.

A guard dog is the ultimate backup for a security guard. This highly effective combination prevents you from losing money through theft, burglary, property damage, and other criminal acts. 

When it comes to personal protection dogs, i.e. using a canine to protect yourself and your family, you can’t put a price on safety and having peace of mind.


Final Word

Trained protection dogs make for an effective, efficient, and versatile security solution. Potential criminals are no match for their sensory abilities and quick reactions. With good training, these formidable creatures can carry out a range of security functions in all manner of settings. If you’re intrigued, learn more about our canine security teams and canine search teams.